22 January, Tuesday
SRP Plenary Meeting Day 1
08:00 - Registration
08:45 - Opening session
09:15 - Launch
SRP Standard v 2.0
SRP Performance Indicators v 2.0
SRP Assurance Framework
Coffee break
Coffee break
Lunch break
Coffee break
10:15 - Plenary session 1: Integrating the SRP tools and programmes for broad-scale outreach and value chain transformation
- SRP Standard v 2.0
- SRP Performance Indicators v 2.0
- SRP Assurance Framework
- SRP Training Programme
- Experience in Standard implementation
12:00 - Wrap-up
23 January, Wednesday
SRP Plenary Meeting Day 2
08:00 - Registration
08:45 - Opening session
- Keynote address
09:05 - Plenary session 2: Strengthening national stakeholder engagement in SRP
24 January, Thursday
Project Site Visit
(Optional activity)
Depart from Siem Reap
Project site visit options:
Coffee break
10:30 - Panel session 3: Moving towards landscape level approaches
11:30 - Panel session 4: Understanding the role of ICTs for upscaling climate-smart agriculture in rice
12:30 - Wrap-up
Arrive back in Siem Reap by 17:00
Lunch break
Coffee break
13:25 - Introduction
13:30 - Panel session 1: Upscaling impact through innovative and diverse financing mechanisms
15:30 - Panel session 2: Mobilizing public and private resources for multi-stakeholder outreach initiatives
16:45 - Wrap-up
17:00 - End of day 1
18:30 - Welcome reception
PM - General Assembly
14:00 - Chairperson's remarks
14:10 - Adoption of agenda
14:15 - Agenda items 1-6
(Annual Report, Visioning Exercise outcomes, SRP National Chapters, Dues, Governance)
16:15 - Chairperson's remarks
16:30 - Closing remarks
16:45 - GHG Mitigation in the Rice Value Chain side event
18:00 - End of day 2